February 19, 2013

Successful Crowdfunding Campaigning Workshop… We have lift-off!

Having personally raised over $8 million dollars for various clients, most of you already know that I am a huge advocate for collaborative fundraising.    

What most of you don’t know is that I have spent the past few months designing a crowdfuning workshop curriculum for folks who are interested in crowdfunding campaigning.   Although the platform of crowdfunding is relatively new, seeking financial backing is not.   

I have kept the virtual professional and budding entrepreneur in mind by specifically designing this crowdfunding workshop to allow the participant the opportunity to learn how to pragmatically plan, write, discuss and launch their own crowdfunding campaign.   

Additionally, as an active peer mentor, virtual assistants and administrative consultants alike have asked me how they can leverage their existing skills and add crowdfunding campaigning to their services provided.  To maximize accessibility, there are day, evening and Saturday options.

Successful Crowdfunding Campaigning Workshop Includes:

SESSION 1:  Planning a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign  (1 hr)
Writing a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign     (1 hr)
Case Studies and Crowdfunding Roundtable      (2 hrs)
SESSION 4: Launching a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign (1 hr)
OPTIONAL: One on One Campaign Critique (30 mins)

Learn More or Register >>

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